cleanliness is next to godliness (automotive musts to keeping your car clean)

Let’s discuss for a second what the interior of your car SHOULD look like. I recently had to drop my car off at a body shop and had to think to myself “wait, is there anything I need from the car?” Like my car was some sort of mobile safety deposit box…this should not happen.

A car is something that moves you from point A to point B – it is NOT the following:

  • A lunch room
  • An office
  • A bedroom (really, c’mon people!)
  • A closet
  • A work shop
  • A change room
  • A toolbox
  • A private recording studio (you look so happy when you’re singing in bumper-to-bumper traffic)

I drive a lot of different cars. To put it in perspective, in the average week I drive more cars than most people will own in a lifetime. Nothing irks me more than a messy interior or trunk. That parking stub which proved you paid for parking – sucker – from eight months ago? Why do you still have it? Why is it in your car?! Sentimental value?

Chances are, you have a dedicated change bin in your car, yet I dare you to find all the change that’s actually in your car. It’s scattered throughout – under the seat, in the seat cushions, in the trunk, in the glove box, in the door bins. Opening the sun visor will unleash an avalanche of loonies onto your lap. And why do you have so many pennies? What could you possibly do with them? See that McDonalds fry you found under your seat while searching for change? Why, it’s perfectly intact, like it just came out of the deep fryer…you don’t even eat McDonalds. Say, is that lunch from 5 days ago? The World Health Organization offers great tips on food storage. Plus, I wager that Tim Hortons cup with two sips of coffee left from last week is not something you should be consuming – toss it! Same goes for that Snickers wrapper and the paper bag with grease stains on the bottom.

Here’s some tips for healthy car care:

  1. The change bin in your car is the ONLY place change goes. Toonies, loonies and quarters only (anything less is great for putting on train tracks to see what will happen). This will make your drive-thru experience less painful for people behind you while you dig for that nickel in the back seat.
  2. When you pull into the drive-thru, take your old coffee cups and stuff the parking stubs in them, put the coffee cup in the fast food bag, and put the fast food bag in the garbage next to the speaker/menu.
  3. Your trunk should contain the following: 3 empty bags (trust me, you’ll need them for something); a plastic milk crate and practical stuff (emergency kit, cleaning supplies, bottle of water, etc.) that can all go in the crate, fastened with a bungee to the trunk’s anchor.

Remember: your house may be your castle, but your car is the noble beast that takes you to and fro…it’s high time to treat it with some respect!

If you can’t comply with these rules, than I suggest you bring us your car on a regular basis. We have THE BEST detailing teams available at both our Vancouver and Toronto location.

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